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 Biswamitra a very known person in Indian History. His previous name was Biswarath and he was a khyatriya. He is also inventor as the author of most of Mandala 3 of the Rig-Veda, including Gayatri Mantra. The Puranas mention that only 24 rishis since antiquity have understood the whole meaning of—and thus wielded the whole power of—Gayatri Mantra. Biswamitra is supposed to be the first, and Yajnavalkya the last. The story of Biswamitra is narrated in the Balakanda of Balmiki Ramayana. In Mahabharata we can find  Biswamitra's relationship with Menaka ( The apsara of heaven) resulted in a daughter, Sakuntala, whose story is narrated in Adi Parva of Mahabharata.

Biswamitra has been considered to be one of the most important Saints of the Vedic period and is counted as one of the Saptarishis. He was a symbol of strength and power. Before being a Saint, he was a loyal and devoted King. Biswamitra belonged to a royal family and was born as a son to King Gadhi. Other Kings of his family included Prajapati, Kush, Kushnabh.


Saint Biswamitra has always been famous for his respect. He became a Saint from a King because of his skill and knowledge. He acquired a place among the Saptarishis and was worshipped by Devas and other Saints. He wrote a lot of Mantras and is also called Mantradrashta.

Struggle with Basistha:-


Bashista destroys Bishwamitra’s entire army by the simple use of his great mystic and spiritual powers, breathing the Om syllable. Bishwamitra then undertakes a tapasya for several years to please Shiva, who bestows upon him the knowledge of celestial weaponry. He proudly goes to VaÅ›iÈ™tha's ashram again and uses all kinds of powerful weapons to destroy Bashista and his hermitage. He succeeded in the killings of Vashista's thousand sons but not in the former.

An enraged Bashista brings out his brahmadanda, a wooden stick imbued with the power of Brahma. It consumes Bishwamitra’s most powerful weapons, including the brahmastra. Bashista then attempts to attack Bishwamitra, but his anger is allayed by Devas. Bishwamitra is left humiliated while Bashista restores his hermitage.

Full Story:-


Once, there was a king named Gadhi, belonging to the clan of Kusika. After him, his son Biswaratha became the ruler. He was a great warrior, and addicted to hunting for sport. While he was wandering in the forest in search of game,