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Adverb & its types

Adverb is a qualifying word which tells more about the verb.

Here qualifying means = Quality

You can say all "ly" words like slowly. speedily, mindfully etc. But not only this, there are many more which are discussed below.

Example := The Fan is moving   slowly.

                    Here THE FAN is Subject.
                              IS MOVING is Verb
                   And The Adverb is SLOWLY


i) Time Adverb
ii)Place Adverb
iii)Manner Adverb

i) Time Adverb

This describe the time in sentence, like how long the action took place.

ex= Now,today,in 1958, in the morning, in 19th Century etc (But Except JUST)

Position of the adverb = The end of the sentence in small to big order.
Structure of the sentence=  Sub+ verb+time+Time+TIME+TIME+TIME

like, at 9 am in the morning today ( Here the time of 9 am is small i.e. only 1 hour and morning is big time because it has many hours but a day is bigger than the morning because it consists of whole day that is  24 hours, so the structure is small to big order )


Arrange the Sentence:=

in the morning, came, at 8, yesterday, Ram

Ans: Ram came at 8 in the morning yesterday.

2) Sita, today, at night, had her dinner


ii) Place Adverb

This describe where the action happen.

ex= on the table, at the city, on the Moon, under the tree,here etc.

Position of the adverb = The end of the sentence in small to big order.

Structure of the sentence=  Sub+ verb+place+Place+PLACE+PLACE+PLACE

like, at the park of the city of the State of the country ( Here the park is smaller than city and city is smaller than state and state is smaller than country, so the structure is small to big order )


Arrange the Sentence:=

Lives, in a small house, the man, at the city, near the school

Ans: The man lives in a small house near the school at the city.

ii) Manner Adverb

The way in which someone performs her/his job.

You can shortly say all "ly" words and many others 
        ex:= "ly" words like = Slowly, Speedily, nicely, heavenly ... etc
                others like = like a hero, as a man... etc

Position of the adverb = The end of the sentence in the order of LETTERS SIZE & Alphabetically if all mall size & also use connectors.

Structure of the sentence=  Sub+ verb+manner but Manner & MANNER  (here but and & used as connectors to show how connectors used)


Arrange the Sentence:=

Silently, reading, friend, is, intelligently, but, my, Story

Ans: My friend is reading a story silently but intelligently. (but as connector)


    To use Time,Place and Manner at same time the rule is:


        (i.e. Subject+Verb+Object+Manner+Place+Time)


Arrange the Sentence:=

Last night, on the road, a modern dance, Niti, in the Evening, performed, near the park, excellently, of the city, at 8

Ans: Niti performed a modern dance excellently near the park on the road of the city at 8 in the evening last night.