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But What about the girl child of Biswamitra how she live her life ?


Her name was Sakuntala who gave Birth to Bharata  who became a great Emperor. And by the name of Bharata India has got his name Bharat.

Full Stoty:-


When both Biswamitra and Menka left after some time, Rishi Kanva found her in forest as a baby surrounded by Shakunta birds and he was very happy to find her. But one of the disciple said we don’t know she is of which caste so how we will take her to ashram. The sage became angry and said, "How do you dare to be my disciple if you do not know that there is no caste in the soul."

Then they took him to the ashram where he gave his wife a child and said that from now on you are his mother. Her Wife became very hen the people started thinking of her name, then the sage said, when I saw her, the Shakunta birds was taking care of her, so her name should be Sakuntala.

Then those people started loving their upbringing with love. After some years the wife of the sage came near to the sage and said . “You are so busy in meditation of God that you do not care for your own family”. Then the sage smiled and said ,” What is that devotion ,if man forgets his own family?”. Then sage’s wife said then how did you forgot about your daughter's age is now turned to five years. Now you begin to give her Brahma Gyan. The sage started  give her daughter Brahmha Gyan.

After many years  when she was above twenty one years means when she eligible for marriage , once when the sage not in his cottage King Drushyanta first encountered Sakuntala while travelling through the forest with his army. He was pursuing a male deer wounded by his weapon. Sakuntala and Drushyanta fell in love with each other and got married as per Gandharva marriage system. Before returning to his kingdom, Drushyanta gave his personal royal ring to Sakuntala as a symbol of his promise to return and bring her to his palace.


Sakuntala spent much time dreaming of her new husband and was often distracted by her daydreams. One day, a powerful sage, Durvasa, came to the ashram but, lost in her thoughts about Drushyanta, Sakuntala failed to greet him properly. Incensed by this slight, the rishi cursed Sakuntala, saying that the person she was dreaming of would forget about her altogether. As he departed in a rage, one of Sakuntala's friends quickly explained to him the reason for her friend's distraction. The rishi, realizing that his extreme wrath was not warranted, modified his curse saying that the person who had forgotten Sakuntala would remember everything again if she showed him a personal token that had been given to her.


Time passed, and Sakuntala, wondering why Drushyanta did not return for her, finally set out for the capital city with her foster father and some of her companions. On the way, they had to cross a river by a canoe ferry and, seduced by the deep blue waters of the river, Sakuntala ran her fingers through the water. Her ring (Drushyanta's ring) slipped off her finger without her realizing it.


Arriving at Drushyanta's court, Sakuntala was hurt and surprised when her husband did not recognize her, nor recollected anything about her. She tried to remind him that she was his wife but without the ring, Drushyanta did not recognize her. Humiliated, she returned to the forests and, collecting her son, settled in a wild part of the forest by herself. Here she spent her days while Bharata, her son, grew older. Surrounded only by wild animals, Bharata grew to be a strong youth and made a sport of opening the mouths of tigers and lions and counting their teeth.


Meanwhile, a fisherman was surprised to find a royal ring in the belly of a fish he had caught. Recognizing the royal seal, he took the ring to the palace and, upon seeing his ring, Drushyanta's memories of his lovely bride came rushing back to him. He immediately set out to find her and, arriving at her father's ashram, discovered that she was no longer there. He continued deeper into the forest to find his wife and came upon a surprising scene in the forest: a young boy had pried open the mouth of a lion and was busy counting its teeth. The king greeted the boy, amazed by his boldness and strength, and asked his name. He was surprised when the boy answered that he was Bharata, the son of King Drushyanta. The boy took him to Sakuntala, and thus the family was reunited.