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Cold fight


Cold Fight Between Deities of Heaven:-


One day Lord Narada came to the cottage of sage Biswamitra. Then the sage Biswamitra asked him to sit and asked the reason of coming of lord Narada.  Then lord Narada said How can I not come to you, you are like my family member so I want to tell you, Narada said, “ You are very naive, you have more intense emotion and less thinking , Because The Deities had objection to the creation of your Trisanku heaven , to get rid of this, they sent Lord Brihaspati(the teacher of Deities) to you to solve it. And when they asked you, immediately you stops the work, but took very little time to decide. You forget about him..” The sage Biswamitra asked, “About Who ?” Narada Said, “ About Trisanku, You made heaven for him and it is a important work, But what benefits, ever thought, what will he do there? Who will he rule? When Bruhaswati asked you to stop work for the new heaven, why didn't you ask him to make you a Indra to Trisanku ?” Then Biswamitra said, “O Lord Narada, you are right, Trisanku has to be placed in place of Indra.”. But Narada Said, “But it is not easy, you have to be a Brahmarshi to change the rule of the world. Do not delay, start penance to become a Brahmarshi and become a Brahmarshi.” Then Biswamitra said, “How can I forget that I promised myself to become a Brahmarshi and I will show Basistha to become a Brahmarshi” Narada said, “Go and do penance, and become a Brahmarshi” And Narada Diapered.

Then he went to a secluded place and was doing harsh penance in that place. Seeing him deities of heaven got nerves. They held a meeting to discuss how to stop him from doing penance. But when they do not find a solution, they ask their teacher Lord Bruhaswati to solve it. Bruhaswati said, “Combine all your power and create a new power, Combine all your power and create a new power, The new power have power of you all. you all Indra,lord of fire lord Agni,lord of water lord Varuna,lord of wind and lord of death lord Yama, make the him now. They made him and Indra ordered him, “ Go to Earth, There Biswamitra is doing penance, disturb his penance, if you fail then kill him.” He said as you wish sir and he camed to Earth.

When he tried to disturb him he could not do anything. His power did not work in front of Biswamitra's power. When he threw his weapon to kill them, due to the power of Biswamitra, his weapon fell behind him. And chased him and Destroyed him. When Devaraja(king of deities) Indra came to know about this, he tried to distract her penance with lust. So he summoned Apsara Rambha to himself and ordered Biswamitra to break his penance. And Rambha had an ego that she could do anything with beauty and lust with anyone. So she said that she can do it in no time and she does not need anyone's help. She came to earth, and danced and did many things to break the austerity of Biswamitra but she failed but when she tried to hug him, Biswamitra opened her eyes with anger and cursed her and said, "You are so cocky that's why ,you become a rock now. " Rambha apologized while crying and said, “please forgive me. O, sage please forgive me.” So Biswamitra pardoned and said while pacifying the anger, the curse cannot be taken back, in the future a maharishi(Great sage) will save you from this curse. Then Rambha turn into a rock. When Indra came to know this he became sad.

On the completion of Maharshi Biswamitra’s penance when he get his Prasad(result of his penance), Indra came as a Brahmin old man and ask for food. That Biswamitra knew in his mind that he is Indra but didn't told. . He gave his prasad to the old man and asked him to eat everything. After the old man finished the prasad, Biswamitra asked the old man how are you Mahendra? Indra asked in surprise how did you recognize me and if you recognized me then why did you give me your Prasad?

Biswamitra told with smile, “There is more pleasure in giving than taking, You are a god but you have hindered my penance, which you have no right, you asked for this prasad, in which I had only rights but I gave it, now you are indebted to me”. Indra Head bowed and returned to heaven and told Bruhaswati everything “If they had got that principle, then they do not know what happens in the whole world, so I asked them for that Prasad at that time. We all are failed in front of him our all power are failed in front of him.” And asked Bruhaswati for another solution. Bruhashwati told, “The person who gives up his austerity so easily is very selfless, send Menka because she is the most beautiful apshara in our heaven, nobody could escape her beauty, everyone came in lust.” Then Indra told, “ If Rambha failed then can Menka do ?” Then Bruhaswati said, “Not Rambha's ego, Maneka's innocence, intimacy and affection can melt Biswamitra's hardness.” Then Indra called Menka.

So what did we learn from this?

1)      Never take a decision too soon. Even Lord Shri Krishna told in the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita that, Don't take any decision when you are very happy or when you are very sad, because happy and sad in both cases people what decision they take, they themselves are unable to unable to understand about that decision at that time, when people are very happy or very sad , they takes very big decisions but when they came to the normal state of mind it is gets tough and they Gets in trouble.

2)      Control your lust, it is very important if you want to achieve something great.

3)       There should always be a donor, because everywhere the donor is great is not the receiver. If anyone asks for anything from you, give it to him, no matter who he is or whatever it is. It can be your friend, family member or anyone. If you give something to someone, you will feel happy and you will get happiness and pleasure.  

4)      If you want to control you mind to making decision then follow these rules, these are hat I understand from Lord Sri krisna’s Bhagwat Gita , I will discuss it in the last of this volume.

5)      Be ready for change because change is the rule of world.