Q. What is the meaning of the name “Biswamitra” ?
Q. What can we learn from Sage Biswamitra ?
Popular Stories of Biswamitra…
Ok let’s begin.. Stories and learning.
First question Who was king Trishanku ?
Then Question is What about Biswamitra in Trishanku Story ?
What about conflict with Gods ?
What about Trishanku's Suspension ?
Biswamitra and the Creation of a New Constellation
Biswamitra Saving Shunahshepa..
Full Story in short as we read above:
Biswamitra's Relationship with Lord Brahma:
What is the significance of Lord Brahma?
What do you mean by Brahmarshi ?
Why the title “Brahmarshi” had a great meaning in ancient India ?
Is this title common in ancient India ?
Biswamitra's Sacrifices and Yagnas:
As we know about king Trishanku story Now know about Yagna:
Ramayana: Biswamitra, Rama's Teacher
Biswamitra’s Contribution to RigVeda..
5 Teaching of Brahmarshi Biswamitra: