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Class VI Science CH1


Food: Where Does it Come From?

• Food: Nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb. In
order to maintain life and growth.

• There is a lot of variation in the food eaten in different regions of India.

• The main sources of our food are plants and animals.

• Food sources from plants:- vegetables, pulses, spices, cereals, fruits, oils, etc.

• Food sources from animals:- milk, egg, honey, meat, fish, etc.

• Other sources of food are salt and water.

• Animals which eat only plants are called herbivores. Example: cow, goat, sheep etc.

• Animals which eat only animals are called carnivores. Example: tiger, lion, etc.

• Animals which eat both plants as well as other animals are called omnivores. Example:
bears, foxes, dogs, etc.

• Animals that live on dead and decayin food is called scavengers. Example: hyenas,
vulture, etc.