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Second Story


Story 2=


 Once, while on a hunting expedition, King Harischandra heard the cries of a woman asking for help. Armed with a bow and arrow, he went in the direction of the sound. The sound was an illusion created by Vighnaraja, the lord of the obstacles. Vighnaraja was trying to disturb the tapasya (meditation) of the sage Biswamitra. When he saw Harischandra, he entered the king's body and started abusing Biswamitra. This disturbed Biswamitra’s tapasya, and destroyed all the knowledge that the sage had acquired during this tapasya.

When Harischandra came to his senses and remembered everything, he realized that the sage was extremely angry with him, and apologized. He promised to fulfill any of the sage's desires to get rid of his guilt. The sage Biswamitra demanded dakshina (dakshina means donation) for his Havan. He wants to do a havan for the Earth. The king asked him what he wanted in payment. Biswamitra said, "Give me all that your properties, kingdom." Harischandra said, “O sage, As your wish.” And as the king left the palace with his family and abandoned the kingdom, Biswamitra demanded another donation. Harischandra said that he did not have any possession left, but promised to make another donation within a month. Then the sage said, “ So how do you will make your promise true, now you are not a king, so from where you will get that much amount of money..?”  The king said with respect, “ That’s not your problem ,I will give you your money so don’t worry..” Then the sage said, “ I have not so much time, remember only one month.” Nakhyatra was also leave the kingdom with them and followed them.Nearly a month after leaving his kingdom, Harischandra arrived in the holy city Kashi , only to see Biswamitra already present there. The sage demanded the donation that the king had promised him. Harischandra pointed out that there was still some time left in completion of one month. The sage agreed with him to come back at the next sunset and departed. As his hungry prince Rohitshawa cried for food, His wife queen Taramati suggested that he sell her to get some money because she don’t want to make her husband a nontruthful man.  Harischandra said “No I can’t do this.., How a husband can do this” . But his wife Taramati forced him so after some hesitation Harischandra accepted the proposal and sold her as a servant to a Brahmin old man. Their child would not let go of his mother, so it was decided that he would accompany his mother and an extra payment was made.

Soon after, Biswamitra appeared again and demanded the donation. Harischandra gave him all the money he had received from the sale of his wife and son. However, Biswamitra was unhappy with the donation, and demanded more. Harischandra then decided to sell himself. He went to that market and tell everyone about the payment and asked everyone to buy him but no one can buy because the amount of payment was too high. But a group of Chandala people, they lived in cemeteries and drank a lot of  taadi/toddy (a type of country liquor that smells very bad), came and said that we will buy him, but Nakhyatra said, “but do you know about the price?”, then the leader Birbahu said, “Yes I know , come and take the price..”.Then they gives a new name to the king and the name was Birdas.... and said now you are my servant. Then the king said, “ yes sir now I am the servant you are my lord..”, then Nakhyatra fell on their feet and started asking for forgive and said, 'This is the order of the sage, that's why please forgive me, So Harischandra smiling said that no matter what , not your fault. After that Harischandra started working in the cremation ground.

          Taramati worked as  a servant in Brahmin’s house, the wife of the Brahmin was so rude sometimes she did not gives food to Taramati and her son. Each time she beat them and torture them a lot. Brahmin was not so rude so sometimes he helps them. And there Harischandra(Birdas) used to worked as a servant for the chaldal Birbahu in cremation ground. He used to took care of the graveyard as security guard. He used to took tax from them who bring dead body to the graveyard and to cremated of them. a part of the tax would go to the chandala, a part would be given to the local king, and the rest would be Harischandra's remuneration.

He was a best servant of the chandala Birbahu, Birbahu always happy of him. a part would be given to the local king, and the rest would be Harischandra's remuneration. Harischandra started living and working at the cremation ground. One day, he dreamed about his past lives, and realized that his current condition was a result of his past sins. During this nightmare, he also saw his queen crying before him. When he woke up, he saw his queen actually crying before him. She held the dead body of their son, who had died of a snake bite. Thinking of his misfortune, Harischandra thought of committing suicide, but then realized that he would have to continue paying for his sins in his next life.

Meanwhile, the queen readied to cremate the dead body of their son. But, Harischandra told her that he would not let her do so without paying the fee. At that time, all the deities appeared led by the deity of Dharma and accompanied by Biswamitra. They praised Harischandra for his good qualities, and invited him to heaven.

But Harischandra refused to go to heaven without his public who have lamented over his departure from his kingdom. He believes that they are the equal sharer in his merits and that he will only go heaven when his people also accompany him. He requested the king of devas, Indra to allow his people to go to heaven at least for a single day. Indra accepts his request, and he along with his people ascend to the heaven.

So what did we learn from this?

1)      Make yourself a truthful man.

2)      If you are a leader then “There is everything equal for everyone.” Follow this rule everyone will respect you and follow you.