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to destroy all Rakshasa. He succeeded in killing a large number of them, before he ended his sacrifice at the insistence of Basistha and another sage named Pulasthya. They narrated the story of Chyavana as a precedent for leniency.



Menaka was born during the churning of the ocean by the devas and asuras and was one of the most beautiful apsaras (celestial nymph) in the world with quick intelligence and innate talent but desired a family. Bishwamitra frightened the gods and even tried to create another heaven- Indra, frightened by his powers, sent Menaka from heaven to earth to lure him and break his meditation. Menaka successfully incited Bishwamitra's lust and passion when he saw her beauty. She succeeded in breaking the meditation of Bishwamitra. However, she fell in genuine love with him and a baby was born to them who later grew in Sage Kanva's ashram and came to be called Sakuntala. Later Sakuntala falls in love with King Drushyanta and gives birth to a child called Bharata. But he merely cursed Menaka to be separated from him forever, for he loved her as well and knew that she had lost all devious intentions towards him long ago.

Full Story:-

          Biswamitra was a King but when he meet to Basistha he was did irsha to Basistha and he also want to be a Brahmarshi. So he also start his Tapasya.But he was a very engry person so he did what he want.

He created Second Heaven For King Trisanku:-


*But he was King Trisanku....?


Trisanku, was the king of old Ayodhya. His real name was Satyabrata, he was the son of Suryabanshi King Nibandhan(from a source we know) or in some source his father name was Prithu.

Satyavrata committed three sins, and hence he got the name Trishanku. First, while a prince, he misbehaved in the kingdom and was temporarily exiled. Next, he killed the milch cow of his perceptor Basistha. His third sin was that he used the unsanctified meat of his kill as food.

He wished to ascend to heaven in his mortal body, and asked his perceptor Basistha to do the needful rights. Basistha refused, for it was against the laws of nature. He then approached the sons of Basistha. They were angry that the King had asked them, deeming it an insult to their father, so the cursed the King to become afflicted with a debilitating disease.