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• Nutrients: Food substances that provide nourishemt to the body.

• The major nutrients in our food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
In addition, food also contains dietary fibres and water.

• Carbohydrates and fats mainly provide energy to our body.

• Carbohydrates: These are energy-giving compounds. There may be simple carbohydrates
or complex carbohydrates.

• Fats: These are very high energy-giving compounds compounds. They produce greater
amount of energy than carbohydrates.

• Minerals: These are elements required by the body in small amounts. It is essential for
growth and development of bones, teeth and red blood cells.

• Proteins: These are body-building foods. They help in the growth of the body.

• Vitamins: These are organic substances that protect the body from diseases.

• Roughage: It is the dietary fibre present in the food. It facilitates regular movement of the
bowels and prevents constipation.

• Balanced diet: It provides all the nutrients that our body needs, in right quantities, along
with adequate amount of roughage and water.

• Deficiency Diseases: These are the diseases cause due to the lack of required nutrients for
a long period in the diet.

• Some Nutrients Deficiency Diseases are:
(a) Protein: Kwashiorkar - Stunted growth, thinning of legs, protruding belly.
(b) Protein and Carbohydrates – Marasmus – Complete/partial arrest of growth, lack of
(c) Vitamin D: Rickets – Bowed legs, bent spine, deofmed bones are joints.
(d) Vitamin C: Scurvy – Bleeding and swelling of gums, weakness.
(e) Iodine: Goitre – Enlargement of thyroid gland, retarded growth.
(f) Iron – Anaemia – Fatigue, loss of appetite, pale skin.